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How Many Times Can You Take GMAT Online? Find Out Here!

How Many Times Can You Take GMAT Online? Find Out Here!

You can take the GMAT Online exam up to five times within a 12-month period and a total of eight times in your lifetime. Each attempt must be spaced at least 16 days apart.

Planning your retake strategy carefully will maximize your chances of achieving your desired score.

In this article, you’ll explore all the details about GMAT Online retakes and how to prepare effectively.

Understanding the GMAT Online Exam

The GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) Online exam offers a flexible alternative to the traditional test center-based GMAT. Administered by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), this online version maintains the same structure, scoring, and integrity as the in-person exam. It is designed to assess skills vital for success in business and management programs, including analytical writing, integrated reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and verbal reasoning.

Key Features of the GMAT Online Exam

  • Convenience: Take the exam from the comfort of your home.
  • Consistency: The online exam mirrors the test center format and scoring.
  • Security: Remote proctoring ensures the integrity of the exam.

Sections of the GMAT Online Exam

The GMAT Online exam comprises four main sections:

  1. Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA): Measures critical thinking and communication abilities through the analysis of an argument.
  2. Integrated Reasoning (IR): Tests data analysis skills using various data sources.
  3. Quantitative Reasoning: Assesses problem-solving abilities using arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.
  4. Verbal Reasoning: Evaluates reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and sentence correction skills.

The Limit on GMAT Online Attempts

Understanding the limits on GMAT Online exam attempts is crucial for effective planning. You are permitted to take the GMAT Online exam up to five times within a 12-month period. These five attempts also count towards the overall lifetime limit of eight exams.

Lifetime Limit vs. 12-Month Limit

  • 12-Month Limit: Up to five attempts within any rolling 12-month period.
  • Lifetime Limit: A total of eight attempts across your lifetime.

Why These Limits Exist

These limitations ensure fairness and help maintain the exam’s integrity. They also encourage test-takers to prepare thoroughly for each attempt.

Frequency of GMAT Online Retakes

The GMAT Online exam has specific policies on how frequently you can retake it. You must wait at least 16 days between each attempt. This waiting period provides ample time for reflection and preparation, which can lead to improved scores.

The Waiting Period

  • 16-Day Rule: A mandatory waiting period of 16 days between attempts.
  • Purpose: The interval encourages better preparation and reduces the likelihood of repeated low scores.

Planning Your Retakes

When planning your retakes, consider the waiting period and your preparation strategy. Allocate time for focused study on weak areas identified during previous attempts.

GMAT Online vs. Test Center: Retake Policies

Both the GMAT Online and the traditional test center-based GMAT adhere to the same retake policies. This consistency ensures that your choice of testing environment does not affect your retake eligibility or limits.

Similarities in Retake Policies

  • Five Attempts in 12 Months: Whether online or in-person, you can attempt the GMAT up to five times within a rolling 12-month period.
  • Eight Lifetime Attempts: The lifetime limit of eight attempts applies to both formats.

Differences to Consider

While the fundamental retake policies are identical, taking the GMAT Online offers additional convenience, such as the ability to test from home. This flexibility can be advantageous, especially if access to test centers is limited.

Understanding these policies and strategically planning your GMAT Online attempts will optimize your chances of achieving your target scores. Whether choosing the online or test center version, the key is thorough preparation and adhering to the guidelines.

Strategies for Deciding When to Retake

Deciding the right time to retake the GMAT Online exam is crucial for achieving your desired score. Strategic timing and preparation can significantly impact your performance. Here are actionable strategies to help you determine the best time for a retake.

Evaluate Previous Performance

Analyze your previous GMAT attempts to identify patterns and areas of weakness. Focus on:

  • Score Analysis: Examine scores across all sections to pinpoint consistently low areas.
  • Question Type Analysis: Identify which question types (e.g., data sufficiency, critical reasoning) you struggled with the most.
  • Timing Issues: Assess whether you faced time management problems, such as running out of time or rushing through questions.

Develop a Customized Study Plan

A personalized study plan can help you target your weaknesses and build on your strengths. Consider the following steps:

  1. Set Specific Goals: Define clear and attainable goals for each study session, such as mastering a particular math concept or improving reading comprehension skills.
  2. Use Quality Resources: Leverage high-quality study materials like GMATPrep, Manhattan GMAT, and Veritas Prep.
  3. Practice Regularly: Incorporate regular practice tests to monitor your progress and adjust your study plan as needed.

Optimize the 16-Day Waiting Period

Use the mandatory 16-day waiting period efficiently by:

  • Filling Knowledge Gaps: Focus on areas that need improvement based on your performance analysis.
  • Strengthening Core Concepts: Revisit fundamental concepts to ensure a solid understanding.
  • Simulating Test Conditions: Take practice exams under timed conditions to build stamina and familiarity with the exam format.

Seek Professional Guidance

If you find it challenging to identify your weak areas or develop an effective study plan, consider seeking help from:

  • Tutors: A GMAT tutor can offer personalized assistance and insights.
  • Online Courses: Structured online courses can provide comprehensive coverage of all exam sections.
  • Study Groups: Joining a study group can offer motivation, peer support, and additional resources.

Impact of Multiple GMAT Online Attempts on Score Reports

Understanding how multiple attempts are reflected on your GMAT score report and the impact on your MBA applications is critical.

Score Reporting to Business Schools

When you take the GMAT Online multiple times, all your attempts will be included in the score report sent to business schools. However, most schools consider your highest score. This approach allows you the opportunity to improve without the fear of earlier lower scores negatively impacting your application.

Admissions Committees’ Perspective

Admissions committees generally view multiple GMAT attempts positively. They recognize persistence and a willingness to invest time in improving your skills. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

  • Highest Score Focus: Business schools typically emphasize your highest GMAT score, not the number of attempts.
  • Demonstrating Commitment: Multiple attempts can showcase your commitment to achieving excellence.
  • Consistent Performance: Continuous improvement over multiple attempts is viewed favorably, indicating growth and resilience.

Communicating Your Efforts

If asked about multiple attempts during interviews or in application essays, focus on:

  • Improvement Efforts: Highlight the steps you took to improve your score, such as additional study or tutoring.
  • Perseverance: Emphasize your determination to achieve a score that reflects your true potential.

Preparing for the GMAT Online Retake

Effective preparation is essential for improving your GMAT Online score on a retake. These tips and resources will help you prepare thoroughly.

Structured Study Plan

Create a detailed study plan that includes:

  • Daily Study Schedule: Allocate specific times each day for studying different sections of the GMAT.
  • Balanced Focus: Ensure your study plan covers all four sections, with extra emphasis on your weaker areas.
  • Regular Breaks: Include short breaks to prevent burnout and maintain focus.

Leverage High-Quality Resources

Utilize reputable and effective resources such as:

  • Official GMAT Materials: Use official guides and online tools provided by GMAC.
  • Prep Courses: Enroll in prep courses that offer structured learning and expert guidance.
  • Practice Tests: Regularly take practice tests to simulate real exam conditions and track progress.

Enhance Test-Taking Strategies

Improving your test-taking strategies can significantly impact your performance:

  • Time Management: Develop strategies for managing time effectively during the exam.
  • Question Prioritization: Learn to identify and prioritize easier questions to secure quick points.
  • Stress Management: Practice stress-reduction techniques to stay calm and focused during the exam.

Stay Positive and Motivated

Maintaining a positive mindset and motivation is crucial for effective preparation:

  • Set Milestones: Celebrate small achievements and milestones along your preparation journey.
  • Stay Consistent: Consistency in your study routine will build confidence and competence.
  • Motivational Quotes: Keep motivational quotes or success stories in sight to stay inspired.

Myth Busting: Common Misconceptions About GMAT Retakes

There are several misconceptions about retaking the GMAT Online exam that can cause unnecessary stress. Let’s debunk these myths with clarity.

Myth 1: Multiple Attempts Hurt Your Application

Many candidates fear that multiple GMAT attempts will negatively impact their application. However, business schools typically focus on your highest score. They recognize the effort and determination required to improve.

Myth 2: Only First Attempts Matter

Contrary to this belief, schools value your improvement. Demonstrating progress through multiple attempts can reflect positively on your commitment to personal and academic growth.

Myth 3: There’s No Benefit to Retaking

Retaking the GMAT Online exam offers several benefits:

  • Score Improvement: Enhances your chance to achieve a higher score.
  • Stronger Application: A higher GMAT score can strengthen your overall application, making you a more competitive candidate.
  • Learning Experience: Each attempt provides valuable insights and learning opportunities that contribute to your overall readiness.


Understanding the policies and best practices for retaking the GMAT Online exam is essential for optimizing your performance and achieving your desired score. Evaluate your previous attempts, develop a targeted study plan, use high-quality resources, and stay positive.

Remember, most business schools focus on your highest score and appreciate the determination shown by candidates who strive for improvement. Plan your retakes strategically, prepare diligently, and approach each attempt with confidence. Your success on the GMAT Online exam is within your reach.

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