490 GMAT Score – Is 490 a Good GMAT Score?

Navigating the meaning of a 490 GMAT Score comes with its unique complexities and queries.

  • Understanding the GMAT Scoring System: A comprehensive look at how the various sections of the GMAT are scored.
  • Evaluating a 490 GMAT score: Is it good, bad or somewhere in between? Perspective matters.
  • Tips to Enhance a 490 GMAT Score: Realistic strategies for boosting your 490 GMAT Score.

In this guide, we break down the enigma of your 490 GMAT Score to help you chart a successful business school journey.

Understanding the GMAT Scoring System

The GMAT or Graduate Management Admission Test is a standardized exam required for admission into numerous business schools. The scores can be a crucial factor in your application and indicate your ability to succeed in a demanding graduate study environment.

Breaking Down the GMAT Composite Score

The GMAT comprises four sections, each evaluating a distinct set of skills:

  1. Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA): This segment measures your critical thinking and communication control through a 30-minute analytical writing task. Scores range from 0 to 6, assessed in half-point intervals.
  2. Integrated Reasoning (IR): A 30-minute section aimed to assess how well you evaluate data presented in different formats. Your score will range from 1 to 8.
  3. Quantitative Reasoning: A 62-minute section evaluating your quantitative problem-solving abilities with 31 multiple-choice questions. This section and the next contribute to your total 200-800 GMAT score.
  4. Verbal Reasoning: A 65-minute section tasked with 36 multiple-choice questions meant to measure your reading comprehension and critical reasoning ability.

The composite or total GMAT score, often simply referred to as the “GMAT score”, is a cumulative number ranging from 200 to 800 representing your Quantitative and Verbal sections’ scores. Importantly, two-thirds of test-takers score between 400 and 600.

The Meaning of Percentile Rankings

Percentile ranking indicates the percentage of test-takers that you scored better than. For example, if you score in the 70th percentile, you scored better than 70% of test-takers. Thus, the higher your percentile ranking, the better your performance in relative terms.

A common inquiry for many is, “Can anyone get a 490 GMAT?” Yes, anyone might score a 490 GMAT; however, dedication, precious study time and the right study materials are required. A score of 490 definitely requires effort but is not an impossible feat to achieve.

Is 490 a Good GMAT Score?

As a potential business school student, understanding where your GMAT score stands is essential.

Considering Percentile Rankings

A score of 490 falls within the 22nd percentile, meaning that if you score 490 on your GMAT, you performed better than 22% of test-takers. This signifies that a large majority of students score higher than this mark.

Questions like “Is a 490 GMAT score good?” or “What percentage of people get a 490 GMAT?” pop up quite often. Given that the average GMAT scores for most top business schools’ incoming classes exceed 700, honesty mandates that a 490 score isn’t considered impressive for these top-ranking institutions.

When is a 490 GMAT Score Good?

Yet, assessing a score as ‘good’ depends greatly on your objectives. If your desired business schools accept scores in this range, or you’re looking to enhance your application in other powerful ways like your essays or interviews, then a 490 score could be acceptable for you.

Is 490 a Bad GMAT Score?

Scoring 490 on the GMAT doesn’t exactly represent an unsatisfactory mark. The ‘bad’ label is subjective, highly dependent on the requirements of the specific business schools you’re targeting and your personal ambitions.

Relative Standards

A score of 490 might be ‘bad’ if you aspire to attend an elite business school that routinely enrolls students with average GMAT scores of 650 or higher. Conversely, if your targeted business school accepts average scores around the 490 mark, your score isn’t ‘bad’ at all.

Hence, inquiries like “Is 490 a low GMAT score?” or “Is 490 GMAT bad?” are better answered by thoroughly understanding the specific standards set by your preferred institutions.

How Hard Is It to Get a 490 GMAT Score?

Attaining a 490 GMAT score depends on many factors, including natural test-taking ability, study habits, and the amount of time you dedicate to studying.

Individual Test-taking Abilities

Some people naturally excel in standardized tests due to their critical thinking skills, time management capabilities, and ability to handle pressure. Such individuals might find it easier to score 490 or even higher on the GMAT.

Personalized Study Approach

The preparation you invest is proclaimed as a significant determinant in achieving your target score. A well-structured study plan, including practice tests, review sessions, and a gradual construct of learning the necessary topics can guide you well to a 490 score.

Time Commitment

The breadth of material covered in the GMAT necessitates a substantial commitment of time and effort. Your study schedule should consider an array of subjects, including mathematics, grammar, logic, reading comprehension, and essay writing. Such comprehensive coverage could become a determining factor in your GMAT scoring journey.

If these elements seem daunting, remember that countless resources can assist in your GMAT preparation, from prep books to tutoring services to online forums packed with advice from previous test-takers. With consistency, the prospect of reaching a 490 GMAT score becomes significantly feasible.

Ultimately, touching the 490 score mark isn’t unattainable; however, it does require a good deal of hard work, strategic planning, and persistence.

490 GMAT Score to GRE

Navigating standardized test scores can be a perplexing venture. You might ask, “How does a 490 GMAT score translate to the GRE?” To clarify such inquiries, we turn to the GRE to GMAT conversion chart.

Translating GMAT Scores to GRE

The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is another standardized test prominent amongst various graduate programs. While distinct, there exists a conversion formula to approximate equivalent scores between the GMAT and GRE.

According to the official GRE to GMAT conversion chart, a 490 GMAT score approximately corresponds to a cumulative GRE score of between 302 and 303. If we delve further into the GRE scoring structure:

  1. Verbal Reasoning: You’d likely score around a 151.
  2. Quantitative Reasoning: Similarly, you’d likely score around a 151.

This equivalence should be perceived as rough guidance, as the two tests are inherently different.

Contrasting GMAT and GRE Scoring Systems

In the GRE examination, you’re evaluated on Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning, with scores for each section ranging between 130-170. The composite score is the sum of both these section scores, yielding an overall GRE range of 260-340.

On the other hand, the GMAT assigns you a composite score derived from your Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning performances, falling between 200-800.

To comprehend the conversion clearly, picture this scenario: if two students equally proficient in standardized tests took both the GMAT and GRE exams, a GMAT score of 490 would roughly translate to a GRE score within the 302-303 range.

Should You Report or Cancel a 490 GMAT Score?

Before determining the direction of your GMAT journey with a 490 score, it’s crucial to understand you have options: to report or cancel your GMAT score. You might be contemplating, “Should I retake a 490 GMAT?” or “Is it advisable to report a 490 GMAT score?

When to Report a 490 Score

You may consider keeping and reporting your score of 490 if:

  • Business School Requirements: The goal business schools you are targeting accept scores in this range.
  • Balanced Profile: You believe your candidacy is robustly built in other dimensions like work experience, GPA, essays, and letters of recommendation.

In these contexts, your 490 GMAT score could stand well amidst your entire business school application.

When To Consider Cancelling

On the contrary, you may contemplate canceling your score and retaking the GMAT if:

  • Higher Aspirations: Your target B-schools boast of much higher average GMAT scores amongst matriculated students.
  • Self-Assessment: You’re confident that you underperformed and can score significantly better on a retake.

Retaking the GMAT could provide you with an opportunity to eclipse your previous score, bolstering your application.

490 GMAT Score Colleges

After understanding your 490 GMAT Score, investigating the business schools that could indeed entertain around this score range becomes crucial. A question might ring in your mind, “Can I get into MBA with a 490 GMAT score?

B-Schools Accepting Around 490

While your closing choice should be based on more than just fitting GMAT score criteria, here are a selection of respected business programs generally open to applicants boasting around a 490 score:

  1. Wright State University – Raj Soin College of Business: Dayton, OH
  2. University of Alaska Fairbanks – School of Management: Fairbanks, AK
  3. California State University – Bakersfield School of Business and Public Administration: Bakersfield, CA
  4. University of Houston – Downtown Marilyn Davies College of Business: Houston, TX

You’re advised to throughly research each chosen institution’s GMAT requirements, corresponding acceptance rates, program offerings, and campus culture to assure an informed decision.

490 GMAT Score Scholarships

Another thoughtful exploration might be, “Do I qualify for any scholarships with a 490 GMAT score?” Scholarships can make your business school journey more affordable and are worth considering.

GMAT Score and Scholarships

While a high GMAT score can indeed leverage your standing for merit-based scholarships, understand that a 490 might limit the range of scholarships available to you. However, this doesn’t mean you’re absolutely devoid of financial assistance prospects.

Many schools take a holistic admissions approach where they consider your overall profile beyond just your GMAT score since they believe potential cannot be gauged by test scores alone. Attributes like significant work experience, strong academic background, impactful extracurricular activities, and a compelling story can prove instrumental in scholarship opportunities.

Tips to Improve Your 490 GMAT Score

If you’re adamant about improving upon your 490 Score, let’s explore some viable strategies aligned with the quintessential question: “How to improve GMAT score from 490 to 700?

Understand Your Current Performance

Start by an in-depth analysis of your performance on the GMAT that earned you a 490 score:

  • Identify weaknesses: Where did you lose most of your points? Quantitative section? Verbal section? Specific question types?
  • Time Management: Did you struggle with timing? Did you rush through sections or run out of time?

Set a Study Schedule and Stick To It

Just as a marathoner would never try to run 26.2 miles without adequate training, you shouldn’t attempt to tackle the GMAT without a proper study plan:

  • Start Early: The sooner you start, the more time you’ll have to study.
  • Consistency is key: Regular study sessions are more effective than occasional binge studying.

Utilize GMAT Prep Resources

Leverage GMAT-specific studying materials to familiarize yourself with the test format:

  • Consider a GMAT Prep Course: These courses are designed specifically to help you succeed on the GMAT.
  • Solve practice questions: The best way to prepare for the test’s quantitative and verbal sections is by practicing real GMAT questions.
  • Take Practice Tests: Full-length practice tests give you the best sense of what to expect on test day.

GMAT Scores 200 to 800

200 210 220 230 240
250 260 270 280 290
300 310 320 330 340
350 360 370 380 390
400 410 420 430 440
450 460 470 480 490
500 510 520 530 540
550 560 570 580 590
600 610 620 630 640
650 660 670 680 690
700 710 720 730 740
750 760 770 780 790

Conclusion: Embracing Your GMAT Score & Planning Your Business School Journey

When it comes to the GMAT, it’s crucial to understand that your score doesn’t wholly define you as a candidate. It’s one of multiple factors admissions committees consider when evaluating a potential student’s profile.

While a 490 Score might not make you stand out in top-tier B-schools, it doesn’t inherently close all doors to you. With a wholesome, diversified profile showcasing deep work experience, strong academics, demonstrable leadership, and compelling life experiences, a 490 might be sufficient for various MBA programs.

Conversely, if you’re convinced of your ability to improve upon your score, remember that retaking the GMAT isn’t an insurmountable challenge. It will take dedicated effort, time, planning, and perhaps a different study approach, but obtaining a higher GMAT score can be achievable.

Ultimately, it’s about embracing your GMAT score and thoughtfully planning your business school journey. Evoking realistic expectations, personal grit, and resilience can yield a rewarding business school journey regardless of your GMAT score. This self-assured, wholehearted approach empowers you to traverse towards your chosen business school, enroute to the personal and professional growth you envisage.

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