470 GMAT Score – Is 470 a Good GMAT Score?

What does a 470 GMAT Score mean for your business school aspirations? Let’s explore this in-depth and guide you through practical steps needed if you’re seeking to improve.

  • Understanding a 470 GMAT Score: Learn about the GMAT scoring system and where a 470 falls within its spectrum.
  • Schools Accepting a 470 GMAT Score: Explore potential colleges or programs where this score may fulfill entrance requirements.
  • Strategies to Improve a 470 GMAT Score: Get actionable advice to help you aim for a competitive score.

Navigating the landscape with a 470 GMAT Score can be challenging but not impossible. Let’s help you turn this score into a stepping stone towards your dream school.

Understanding the GMAT Scoring System

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardized exam developed and administered by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). It is used to assess certain analytical, writing, quantitative, verbal, and reading skills in written English for use in admission to graduate management programs, such as an MBA or PhD in business, finance, or other related fields.

The GMAT Scoring Algorithm

The GMAT exam consists of four sections: Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, and Verbal.

  1. Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA): This section is scored on a scale of 0 to 6, in half-point increments.
  2. Integrated Reasoning (IR): This section uses a scale of 1 to 8, in one-point increments.
  3. Quantitative and Verbal Sections: The Quantitative and Verbal sections are scored based on the number of questions answered correctly and the level of difficulty of those questions. Their scores are combined to provide a total GMAT score ranging from 200 to 800.

Scaled Score Vs. Percentile Rank

Scores on the GMAT are represented in two ways: a scaled score and a percentile rank. A scaled score is the actual number you receive based on your performance, while the percentile rank reflects the percentage of test-takers who scored lower than you. For instance, a GMAT total score (on a scale of 200-800) of 470 is approximately within the 13th percentile. This implies that around 13% of test-takers score below 470 and the remaining 87% score above.

Is 470 a Good GMAT Score?

In the realm of graduate business programs, competition is fierce. Prospective students are evaluated based on a variety of factors, with the GMAT score playing a crucial role in the admissions process. That being said, whether a 470 score is considered “good” or not largely depends on your target business school and career objectives.

Average GMAT Scores for Top Business Schools

The average GMAT score accepted into elite business schools is usually much higher than 470. Here are a few examples:

  • Stanford Graduate School of Business: The average GMAT score admitted here is around 738.
  • Wharton School of Business: The University of Pennsylvania’s prestigious Wharton School holds an estimated average score of 740.
  • Chicago Booth School of Business: This is yet another competitive school with an average score of 732.

These figures reveal a stark contrast in comparison to a GMAT score of 470. Thus, for aspirants eyeing the top-tier business schools, a GMAT score of 470 might reduce their chances of admission.

Is 470 a Bad GMAT Score?

A GMAT score of 470 isn’t necessarily “bad”. However, if your goal is to attend a top-tier business school, 470 would not be competitive.

Score Comparison Across Business Schools

Again, to illustrate this point, let’s consider some of the more competitive business schools’ GMAT averages:

  • Stanford Graduate School of Business: Average score is 738
  • Harvard Business School: Average score is 730

Clearly, a score of 470 wouldn’t be competitive among applicants for these programs. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t excellent programs out there for which this score might be suitable.

How Hard Is it to Get a 470 GMAT Score?

Scoring a 470 on the GMAT requires a certain level of understanding of the verbal and quantitative sections. Using the GMAT to GRE conversion chart, a 470 score corresponds roughly to verbal and quantitative scores of 27 and 28 on the GRE. These scores don’t necessarily indicate mastery of the respective subjects, but they also don’t signify a complete lack thereof.

Preparation level required

Relatively moderate preparation should be enough to attain a GMAT score of 470. On average, this could mean dedicating about 50-80 solid hours of study.

Here are a few tips for your study regimen:

  • Study Plan: Develop a study plan that suits your learning style and stick to it.
  • Mock Tests: Taking mock tests can aid in simulating the real GMAT test atmosphere.
  • Focus on Weak Areas: Identify and work on your weak areas to improve.
  • Review Mistakes: Learning from the mistakes made in mock tests can greatly contribute to improving scores.

Remember, the GMAT is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s important to pace yourself, study consistently, and focus on understanding and improving your grasp of the material.

470 GMAT Score to GRE

When considering graduate programs, it’s crucial to understand how scores from different standardized tests compare. Some programs accept either GMAT or GRE scores, adding another dimension to your application strategy. Consequently, knowing how your 470 GMAT equates to a GRE score is helpful.

GMAT to GRE Conversion

The GMAT and GRE are very different tests, each requiring its unique strategies. However, to create an equivalent comparison, ETS (maker of the GRE) offers a conversion tool that can be used to estimate what your GMAT score would equate to on the GRE. According to this conversion chart, a GMAT score of 470 roughly translates to a combined GRE score of 300 (150 Verbal, 150 Quantitative).

Implication of a converted GMAT score

While the actual characteristics and question styles in the GRE and GMAT are not identical, this conversion can still be useful as a benchmark. Understanding this correlation can assist you in deciding whether to take the GRE if you’re dissatisfied with your 470 GMAT score.

It’s important to bear in mind, however, that the conversion is an estimate. Individual sections on both tests could vary widely based on your personal strengths and weaknesses.

Should You Report or Cancel a 470 GMAT Score?

Having received your GMAT score of 470, there lands another question on your mind – do you accept (report) or cancel this score? The answer to this question depends on multiple factors including your target schools and your individual potential.

Reporting a 470 GMAT score

If you scored a 470 on the GMAT, and the programs you’re applying to have median GMAT scores within or near this score and your other application materials are strong, reporting this score could be a practical approach.

Cancelling a 470 GMAT score

Conversely, if you scored 470, but you’re aiming for schools with much higher average GMAT scores, cancelling, and re-taking the exam might be the better option. This course of action should also be considered if you believe that with further preparation you can substantially improve your score.

Cancelling a GMAT score does not bar you from retaking the test. The GMAT can be taken up to five times within any 12-month period, but no more than eight times in total.

470 GMAT Score Colleges

Remember, a 470 score isn’t the end of the road for your MBA dreams. There are still colleges and business schools where a 470 GMAT score might fit their entrance requirements. Narrowing down institutions that accept such scores can help you course correct your application strategy.

Factors to Consider

Choosing an MBA program involves much more than just GMAT scores. Other factors come into play like:

  • School Reputation: The status of the business school in the industry.
  • Curriculum and Specializations: The availability of your desired specialization.
  • Cost: How much you’re willing and able to pay for your education.
  • Location: Where you wish to study and possibly work post-MBA.

470 GMAT Score Scholarships

Finding scholarships can provide the much-needed financial aid for your business school journey. However, do note that scholarships, particularly the merit-based ones, are often fiercely competitive.

Available Scholarships

While many scholarships require higher GMAT scores, there are still other types of grants or scholarships you might qualify for, which are not solely dependent on GMAT scores, such as:

  • Needs-Based Scholarships
  • Industry-Specific Scholarships
  • Demographics-Based Scholarships

Tips to Improve Your 470 GMAT Score

If you aspire to elevate your GMAT from 470 to a highly competitive score, understanding and following a systematic improvement plan is key.

Focused Preparation

  • Identify Weaknesses: Start by identifying your weakest areas and focus your efforts there.
  • Follow a Study Schedule: Create and stick to a dedicated study schedule for consistent learning.
  • Take Practice Tests: Taking full-length practice tests can aid you in managing time effectively.

Best Resources

Leverage resources like:

  • Official GMAT Review Materials: These often provide clear insights into the kind of questions asked in the test.
  • GMAT Prep Courses: A well-structured course can provide the necessary discipline and guidance for your preparations.

GMAT Scores 200 to 800

200 210 220 230 240
250 260 270 280 290
300 310 320 330 340
350 360 370 380 390
400 410 420 430 440
450 460 470 480 490
500 510 520 530 540
550 560 570 580 590
600 610 620 630 640
650 660 670 680 690
700 710 720 730 740
750 760 770 780 790

Conclusion: Embracing Your GMAT Score & Planning Your Law School Journey

Navigating your business school application journey with a 470 score does not have to be disheartening. While it might not be a highly competitive score for top-tier institutions, it is not an absolute barrier either.

Remember, an MBA application is more than just your GMAT score. Exceptional work experience, strong recommendations, motivated essays, and an evident passion for business can collectively outshine a low GMAT score.

If you’re determined to boost your score, weaponize constructive strategies, use the best of resources and sustain your discipline in focused preparation. Remember, it’s your consistency and dedication that can turn the tables around.

Alternatively, you can always explore MBA programs that find a good match with your current GMAT score, making sure they align with your career goals and aspirations. Your path to business school is a game of strategy, perseverance, and adaptability – your 470 GMAT score is just a part of that journey!

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